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2005-01-18 [Opiel16]: who is X2? ure spelling of "mush" and "benner" and stuff makes u look stupid
2005-01-18 [RaineDrop]: she can't spell moron...that says something right there...
2005-01-19 [X2]: Ohh, you call me stupid, and spell it "she" and not "he". And Im not from a English speaking contrey.
2005-01-19 [RaineDrop]: well [X2] try harder or keep you foreign mouth shut....NOW are you going to direct me to CATHUG'S Uploading Art Rules page or not. this is NOT Elftown and the same rules do NOT apply unless there is a rules page on here that simply says "same as ET"....i have yet to have seen such a page, so please, if there is one, show me
2005-01-19 [RaineDrop]: and soooooorry i called you a "she" [X2] i just glaced at your house and there is no picture of your face, i just saw the long hair and girlyness of your pro and assumed
2005-01-19 [RaineDrop]: woot! word from [Sunrose]!!! "CatHug doesn't want crap. Basically you could apply the rules of Elfpack there for now... (porn/nudity/vi
2005-01-27 [Sunrose]: I want to note here that I said that about the EP rules, because there are no official rules yet. However that does not mean CatHug is as lax as Elfpack: there just are no written rules yet...
2005-01-27 [Sunrose]: And [RaineDrop]: even when someone calls you a moron (which was directed general here), doesn't mean you actually have to start acting like one. I may sound rude, but you have to try to stay professional. Guards don't go around calling members assholes, just because members call them assholes now do they? If someone adresses the matter in a way you dislike, you can also just point that out instead of namecalling someone back and being all defensive. Why don't you all take a deep breath and try to look at it like grown ups do and discuss the matter instead of making stupid kid-fights.
2005-01-27 [RaineDrop]: he wont read my messages, so *i* can't do anything...i hardly did any name calling beyond implying her was a moron...
2005-01-27 [Sunrose]: Not anymoree, but you have to learn how to respond in a more friendly way even when someone offends you. That will keep you out of fights! And you seem to be in a lot lately if I may point that out to you...
2005-01-27 [RaineDrop]: because i have been talking to my guard friend Emma on EP and she says i can't let people talk me down anymore and that i have to "stand up for myself and what i think" and tell people to "fuck off" when they try to pick on me...
2005-01-27 [Sunrose]: Well Emma is not always right, standing up for yourself doesn't mean you have to start namecalling and taking everything personal.
2005-01-27 [RaineDrop]: that is what she says...she told me off on Yahoo for not standing up for myself and made me swear to stop letting people talk to me like that (among other things)...i am just doing what she says is best for me
2005-01-27 [Sunrose]: Is it really best for you to get yourself into fights because you call them names? Standing up for yourself does not mean calling other people names regardless of what Emma says. And [X2] is gone now, he put that on his house AFTER you started about it on Council.
2005-01-27 [Sunrose]: BTW. Emma knows she hasn't become a Guard on Elftown because of her temper towards other people, so she shouldn't give you the advice to rage against people (though she probably did not literally say that, but that's how you took it apparantly).
2005-01-27 [RaineDrop]: fine...you're right...*sighs
2005-01-27 [Sunrose]: I also deleted [honest_mistake]'s comment. There is no need to use the huge font to let someone know he/she's not welcome on the wiki. Please try to solve this as adults. I will message [X2] to remove you from his house RD.
2005-01-27 [Sunrose]: You need to stop listening to other people so much and stop whining. Think logically what is the best solution in a situation for all people involved including you. Instead of doing the same thing in every situation regardless if the situation is suitable for it.
2005-01-27 [RaineDrop]: *sob* yeah...i'm wining again....*sigh
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